I sort of like how no one knows who Alan Rickman is unless you mention that he played Professor Snape in the Harry Potter movies, and then they say "Oh, he's scary," he is not scary people!!! He is good at acting!!! Have you seen "Truly, Madly, Deeply"???
That happens with Emma Thompson too, she is marvelous!!
You've got to love those Brits!!!
I like Emma Thompson quite a bit. How about her part in "Stranger Than Fiction?" And Alan Rickman is one of the few people that I think would be able to pull off Sam Vimes. Of course, that would mean he wouldn't be able to play Vetinari. Hmm...
He's not tall and skinny enough to play Vetinari. And he's too old to play Vimes.
Truly Madly Deeply is a great film!
I agree that TMD is a great film!
Sorry, Cinderbelle, but you're very wrong. ;P
The magic of film would take care of those objections. Vimes is not exactly a spring chicken, either, and due to his past, I expect he would look older than his years. I suspect you just want to see him played by one of those young, "hot" actors of whom you are so enamored.
As you know,Sparkly Sea Cow, TMD is one of my all time favorites. But I gained further respect for Mr. Rickman with the production of "My Name Is Rachel Corrie." He's clearly a man of integrity. And Emma Thompson rocks. Could SHE play Angua?
No, Emma Thompson is too old, Angua is supposed to be young. How about Kate Winslet?
No. Kate Winslet isn't right for the role. I think Angua needs to be a fresh face. Ugh. I can't believe Emma Thompson was married to Kenneth Branagh. WHY?!
Oh, and Daddy, I don't need someone young and hot to play Vimes, but Vimes is supposed to be someone who's starting to feel the wear and tear that comes with his profession and age. Alan Rickman is a little past that age. Besides, Vimesy can still hold his own in a fight, and I have a problem picturing Alan Rickman fighting Carcer or something. Best to go with Clive Owen or Gerard Butler or Colin Firth or someone.
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